Recent panoramas

I’m back working on 360queenstown-wanaka full-time now and shooting 360 panoramas like there’s no tomorrow. Of course, shooting this many panos means A LOT of time spent in front of a screen stitching. Here’s a selection of recent flat panoramas...

Tokyo skyline at night

While spending a few nights in Tokyo on my way out of Japan, I was lucky enough to be staying on one of the upper floors of a rather impressive apartment building – absolutely stunning views of the Tokyo Tower and Tokyo skyline at night…

Powder Detours at Asahidake

Here’s a fun stop-motion edit from one of the trips I was guiding in January this year with Powder Detours to Asahidake – one of my favourite spots in the whole of Japan. Stop-motion edits are super-easy to put together. All you need is a decent DSLR...

Back Guiding in Japan

Every year I make the winter migration back north for a period of time, for some guiding in Japan. Unlike most winter migrations this one follows the snow. Based in Niseko for a few months of guiding and coaching, my short powder-filled winter here is a hard thing not...

360queenstown-wanaka Goes Live

The last six months of my working life (and a large proportion of the rest of my life while I come to think about it) has been focused around this new web project for the local Queenstown and Wanaka region; 360queenstown-wanaka. Success… We’re now live and...