Rome Cross Rocket Snowboard Review

This season I’ve been board testing for Rome Snowboards. The board I was supplied with has no graphics or name on it, but you can tell it’s a Cross Rocket. Read on for the review I just sent to Rome… Overall statement: Best all-around board...

Judging at the Junior Nationals

The Freeski and Snowboard Junior Nationals are on right now at Cardrona and I was lucky enough to be involved as one of the judges for the older age groups in the snowboard slopestyle. We had three age groups to judge: 12-14, 14-16 and 16-18, both male and female. The...

Sequence panorama techniques

Shooting sequence panoramas is a tricky business. Especially ones that involved a lot of people, fast moving subjects and changeable light. I’ve shot a number of sequence panoramas previously, both on the snow and in other adventure sports such as mountain...

HDR panoramas!

It’s been a while coming, but I’ve finally got my technique down for creating HDR panoramas. With a new real estate section on 360queenstown-wanaka about to launch, having the opportunity to shoot this amazing property overlooking Lake Wanaka was perfect...

A sunrise hike on Isthmus Peak

My alarm went off at 3.30. Contrary to my own expectations I was wide awake in an instant. The excitement of the sunrise mission to come was had me going already. I had been planning this sunrise hike for a month or so now, waiting for the right gap in work loads and...