Off to Austria for Interski

My work with the New Zealand Snowsports Instructor’s Alliance (NZSIA) and Snowboard Instruction New Zealand (SBINZ) is taking me to Austria for two weeks, as of tomorrow. I’m lucky enough to be part of the NZ contingent visiting a massive event in St Anton...

Yellow Pages vs White Pages

Which do you use first when searching for a local shop or service? The Yellow Pages or the White Pages? It all depends on what you’re searching for, right? If you already know the name of the business, it makes sense to flick to the appropriate...

IPPYs: Gold in the Travel Guidebook category!

The 2010 Independant Publisher Book Awards finals we’re announced two days ago. Unexpectedly, our recent Snow-search Japan publication won GOLD in the Travel Guidebook category. Wohoooooo! I am hugely appreciative towards all our SSJ contributors and supporters....